

Chhiùng Wikipedia lòi

Chu-yi: Chhai tú-chhùn yî-heu, ngì pit-sî khoai chhái-chhí chhîn-chhù hi-khí chhòi-nèn khon-tó chok-chhut ke kói-pien. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: on-tén Shift chai tiám-kit Chhùng-sîn chṳ́n-lî (fe̍t-chá on-hâ Ctrl-Shift-R, chhai Phìn-kó Mac song on-hâ Cmd-Shift-R); IE: on-tén Ctrl chai tiám-kit Chhùng-sîn chṳ́n-lî, fe̍t-he on-hâ Ctrl-F5Konqueror: chak sî-yeu tiám-kit Chhùng-sîn chṳ́n-lî; Opera: yung-fu sî-yeu chhai kûng-khí-sat-thin chûng vàn-cháng-thi chhîn-chhù ke khoai-chhí.

/* The blue header used throughout the wiki */
.mcwiki-header {
	background: #729FCF;
	border: 1px solid #ccc;
	border-bottom: 4px groove #999999;
	border-right: 4px groove #999999;
	padding: 5px;
/* Make sure the logo fits */
#mcw-logo img {
	max-width: 100%;
	height: auto;
/* Generic styling for animation class */
.animated > *:not(.active):not(.skip),
.paused > *:not(.active):not(.skip) {
	display: none;