"Kûng-pín" siû-thin kiên ke chhâ-phe̍t

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se-mì r2.7.3) (機械人新增en:Litre#SI prefixes applied to the litre
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se-mì Bot: Migrating 1 interwiki links, now provided by Wikidata on d:q3972226 (translate me)
Thi 2 hàng: Thi 2 hàng:

[[en:Litre#SI prefixes applied to the litre]]
[[en:Litre#SI prefixes applied to the litre]]

2013年3月8日 (Ńg) 14:01 ke chui-sîn siû-thin pán-pún

Kûng-pín he yit-tsúng thí-tsit tshet-liòng tân-vi.fù-ho vì kl.