

Chhiùng Wikipedia lòi

From the first table

â fôn 歡 á 35 ㄚˊ
à thèu 頭 11 ㄚˇ[1]
á hí 喜 à 51 ㄚˋ
a mien 面 a 55
a̍p sṳ̍t 食 ap 5 N/A
ap chuk 粥 a̱p 1 N/A
ā[2] ā 33 N/A

If we compare it with the second table called 客語與閩南語白話字聲調對照

傳統 陰平 陰上 陰去 陰入 陽平 陽上[3] 陽去 陽入
數字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
客語白話字 â á a ak à á (å) a̍k
四縣調值 24 41 44 2 11 41 -- 4
海陸調值 42 14 33 4 44 14 11 2
Holo白話字 a á à ak â á ā a̍k
優勢腔調值 44 53 21 32 224 53 33 4

we see the tone values given in each table of the Siyen tones is different.

Tone Tone Siyen in Table 1 Siyen in Table 2 Hoiliuk Character Example
陰平 (1) /35/ /24/ /42/ fôn 歡
陽平 (6) /11/ /11/ /44/ thèu 頭
上聲 (2) /51/ /41/ /14/ hí 喜
陰去 (4) /55/ /44/ /33/ mien 面
陽去 (5) /33/ -- /11/  
陰入 (7) /5./ /2./ /4./ sṳ̍t 食
陽入 (8)  /1./ /4./ /2./ chuk 粥

This, in itself, is confusing for readers who have no specialised knowledge in the field of linguistics. The values themselves aren't incorrect, as they all must have come from studies made somewhere. Moreover, the use of ā in the first table but å in the second table for the 陽去 of Hakka is confusing to the reader when you notice that the value ā is used for the Holo tones.

In this Hakka Wikipedia, reference to pronunciation for Hakka should be the overriding factor. I propose that the lines containing the Holo entries be deleted, and a choice of whether ā or å should be made to improve on clarity of articles to be written.

If you choose å it will make the romanisation similar to if not the same as Pang2 Det7Siu1's (Phâng TetSiû) 客家話發音字典.Dylwhs 08:59, 13 Liuk-ngie̍t 2007 (UTC)


[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]

大多数人学习的是普通话拼音,贴出的音标在例子的哪个部分(发音)识别出来需要会会其他音,所以自学十分困难。 只是单独添加中文字,完全不会客家话的人完全没有用(联想不到)。连照着读都不行 Nevr.007 (kâu-liù) 14:30, 26 Chhit-ngie̍t 2019 (UTC)

  1. 華語的「三聲」為「降升調」(214),完整个尾音應上揚;只係因一般語流中除強調之外當少將後半段發Het(黑),因此聽感Lau其他語言个低平調接近。但本質Hong(項/上)仍稍有唔同。
  2. Yín-yung chhâ-chho: 無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 海陸腔 的參考文獻內容文字。
  3. 歸陰上,調值相同。