Kón-lî-yèn chhiáng-khiù
[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]- Chhâm-siòng Wikipedia:Kón-lî-yèn
[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]大家好,在此以中文發言,如有不周不當之處敬請包涵。
這項措施並未被指定英語維基詞典社群的正式方針,只屬幾個貢獻較多的人員的私下決定,多日以來我已經表示抗議,但無奈寡難敵眾。因此我呼籲大家前去英語維基詞典(Wiktionary:Beer parlour)表示自己對此種做法的意見。致!--Symane 15:06, 22 Liuk-ngie̍t 2010 (UTC)
[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]大家好,我不大會客語,所以以下使用中文,請見諒,
原來的客語白話字好像只用ch和chh,但現在的條目出現了許多的ts和tsh,甚至是用c表原本的chh;或者出現了用g表原本的k等等,似乎是將不同的拼音法都用上了。Luuva 05:49, 4 Chhit-ngie̍t 2010 (UTC)
- ch和chh lâu ts和tsh 是台語ke台羅系統拼音,
- 如果是台灣客語的漢語拼音,大致是教羅的ch變成z,chh變成c,
- 至於你講ke信望愛字典查詢,ch和chh都出現ts和tsh,
- 是信望愛字典的設定是根據台語的台羅,所以才會出現ts和tsh.
- 所以,Hakkapedia 可以自己選擇想要的方式,
- 1.根據教羅
- 2.根據台語的台羅,但以台灣教育部官方,客語方面是無採取台羅。
- 3.根據目前台灣教育部官方的漢語拼音,ch變成z,chh變成c,但台灣教育部官方的漢語拼音,不確定會不會再改變。
- --Hakka 23:10, 7 Chhit-ngie̍t 2010 (UTC)
- 謝謝你的解說,這樣我就清楚了。Luuva 13:29, 30 Pat-ngie̍t 2010 (UTC)
Updating the logo for this wiki
[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]Hello! As part of the update of Wikipedias logos to the new (2010) 3D puzzle globe version, we have noticed that your wiki's current logo is missing, outdated or with wrong translation. We are trying to help Wikipedias get a locally-adapted correct logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us, and in about a week from now we'll be replacing the current logo with the new one shown in this gallery, with explanation. If the translation is wrong, or there's another error in the new logo, or the community disagrees with the update, please update the list of logos or tell us on its talk. Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate. Thanks, Nemo 13:41, 11 Sâm-ngie̍t 2013 (UTC)
[kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]--Liuxinyu970226 (對話) 09:49, 5 六月 2015 (UTC)