Lièn-ha̍p hién-sṳ song-chhòn, chhù-chhiang, pó-fu, chhà-fûng yî-khi̍p chham-vu
- 2023年6月1日 (Si) 21:46 Catfurball Seventh-day Adventist kâu-liù Kung-hien 已建立頁面 使用者:Catfurball Seventh-day Adventist ({{Autoconfirmed topicon}} {{extendedconfirmed topicon}} {{WikiCat topicon}} {{Not an admin topicon}} {{Senior Editor II topicon}} {{100KE user topicon}} {{User topicon}} {{User Commons/topicon|cat=yes}} {{Ukraine heart topicon}} left|50px right|50px right|50px left|50px I edit articles that need to be updated with new information and I have created new articles. The majority of the a…) 2 ke phiêu-chhiam: sú-kî pán phiên-siá Sú-kî pán mióng-ya̍p phiên-siá
- 2023年6月1日 (Si) 21:45 已自動建立使用者帳號 Catfurball Seventh-day Adventist kâu-liù Kung-hien