(Chhùng-thin-hiong chhṳ Mên-pet-ngî)

Mén-pet-ngî he Fuk-kien ke ngî-ngièn.
[phiên-siá | kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]Mén-pet-ngî | Chûng-vùn | Yîn-vùn | |
Chō̤ng sī gī | 創世紀 | Book of Genesis | |
1:1. Dĭ buōi-chŏ gâ̤ sî-hē Ciōng-Dī kṳé tíng bī dī. | 起初上帝創造天地。 | In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. | |
1:2. Dī sī lòng kóng iăng ō̤ng gâ̤; chéng tâing gâ̤ sù-cài dú sī ú-ō̤ng. Ciōng-Dī gâ̤ Sĕng hū dāu iŏ̤ng sṳ̆ mīng. | 地是空虛混沌.淵面黑暗.上帝的靈運行在水面上。 | Now the earth wasa formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. | |
1:3. Ciōng-Dī uā, Niōng iŭ guáng: c-iŭ guáng hīng chṳ̆ lâ. | 上帝說、要有光、就有了光。 | And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. | |
1:4 Ciōng-Dī chū iŏ̤ng guáng sī dĕng hău: Ciōng-Dī ciū nà iŏ̤ng guáng iáu ō̤ng bṳ́ing-kṳé.̤ sĕng gáe̤ cī ciéh nè̤ng gâe̤ng duâi-ĭ táung lâi gó̤, cêu sáung diê-nè̤ng buōng-sê̤ṳ duâi. | 上帝看光是好的、就把光暗分開了。 | God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. | |
1:5. Ciōng-Dī hăng iŏ̤ng guáng cā Nì-sî, hăng iŏ̤ng ō̤ng cā Ō̤ng-mâng. Iŭ dō̤ng ú iŭ tíng guáng, sī hō̤ cā tê cì góng. | 上帝稱光為晝、稱暗為夜.有晚上、有早晨、這是頭一日。 | God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. | |
1:6. Ciōng-Dī uā, Sṳ̆ dô̤ng-ó̤ng-séng niōng chĕng cā kóng dé̤ng, nà ciōng-bíng gâ̤ sṳ̆ iáu à-bíng gâ̤ sṳ̆ bṳ́ing-kṳé. | 上帝說、諸水之間要有空氣、將水分為上下。 | And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” | |
1:7. Ciōng-Dī ciū cā chĕng iŏ̤ng kóng dé̤ng, nà kóng dé̤ng ciōng-bíng gâ̤ sṳ̆ iáu kóng dé̤ng à-bíng gâ̤ sṳ̆ bṳ́ing-kṳé: ciū ciāu iŏ̤ng-gă̤-sĭ cā chĕng. | 上帝就造出空氣、將空氣以下的水、空氣以上的水分開了.事就這樣成了。 | So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. | |
1:8. Ciōng-Dī ciū hăng iŏ̤ng kóng dé̤ng cā Tíng. Iŭ dō̤ng ú iŭ tíng guáng, sī hō̤ cā dī nī góng. | 上帝稱空氣為天.有晚上、有早晨、是第二日。 | God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. | |
1:9. Ciōng-Dī uā, Tíng-à gâ̤ sṳ̆ niōng cṳ̀ cā cì dó, să̤ ùing dī ŏ̤ hīng chṳ̆ lâ: ciū ciāu iŏ̤ng-gă̤-sĭ cā chĕng.̤ duâi. | 上帝說、天下的水要聚在一處、使旱地露出來.事就這樣成了。 | And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. | |
1:10. lŏ̤ng ùing dī Ciōng-Dī ciū hăng cā Diá; iŏng cṳ̀ cì dó gâ̤ sṳ̆ ciū hăng cā Huŏi: Ciōng-Dī chū iŏng dī sī dĕng hău. | 上帝稱旱地為地、稱水的聚處為海.上帝看著是好的。 | God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. |