
Thomas Mann

Chhiùng Wikipedia lòi
Thomas Mann
Mû-ngî-miàng Thomas Mann
Chhut-se-ngit Paul Thomas Mann Edit this on Wikidata
1875-ngièn 6-ngie̍t 6-ngit Edit this on Wikidata
Chhut-se-thi 呂貝克 Edit this on Wikidata
Pún-miàng Paul Thomas Mann
Ko-sṳ̂n-ngit 1955-ngièn 8-ngie̍t 12-ngit Edit this on Wikidata (80-se)
Ko-sṳ̂n-thi Zürich Edit this on Wikidata
Ko-sṳ̂n ngièn-yîn 動脈瘤 Edit this on Wikidata
Koet-sit 德意志國, Cheskoslovakia, Mî-koet, 德意志帝國, 魏瑪共和國, Nazi Tet-koet Edit this on Wikidata
Mû-ngî Tet-ngî Edit this on Wikidata
voi kóng Tet-ngî Edit this on Wikidata
chûng-kau Luther kau-phai Edit this on Wikidata
Mû-káu 慕尼黑大學, 慕尼黑工業大學, Katharineum Edit this on Wikidata
Chṳt-ngia̍p 小說家, 散文家, 自傳作者, short story writer, 時事評論員, 日記作者, 編劇, 大學教師, 作家 Edit this on Wikidata
ku-chú Princeton Thai-ho̍k, 單純性 Edit this on Wikidata
Chṳn-tóng 德國民主黨 Edit this on Wikidata
chok-phín 布登勃洛克家族, 魔山, 威尼斯之死, 約瑟夫和他的兄弟們, 羅德在魏瑪, 國王的神聖, 浮士德博士 (小說), The Holy Sinner, 騙子菲利克斯·克魯爾的自白, Tristan, 托尼奧·克律格, Mario and the Magician, Reflections of an Unpolitical Man, Q2528316, Gefallen, The Will to Happiness, Disillusionment, Q1197425, 矮個子弗里德曼先生, The Clown, Tobias Mindernickel, The Wardrobe, Q1515969, Luischen, The Road to the Churchyard, Gladius Dei, Fiorenza, Q1213520, The Child Prodigy, Q1304579, Q814762, Q2257036, Anekdote, Railway Accident, The Fight between Jappe and the Do Escobar, A Man and His Dog, Q1516242, The Blood of the Walsungs, Disorder and Early Sorrow, The Transposed Heads, The Tables of the Law, The Black Swan, Q2518449, Die Lösung der Judenfrage, Q230370, Q27019791, The German Republic, Q331051, Q1202051, Q1814783, That man is my brother, The Problem of Freedom, Listen, Germany!, Germany and the Germans, Q1749651, Q2518447, The Coming Victory of Democracy Edit this on Wikidata
Pû-ngiòng Katia Mann Edit this on Wikidata
Chṳ́-ńg 艾莉卡·曼, 克勞斯·曼, 戈洛·曼, Monika Mann, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Michael Mann Edit this on Wikidata
Â-pâ Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann Edit this on Wikidata
Â-mê 茱莉亞·達·席爾瓦-布魯恩斯 Edit this on Wikidata
Hiûng-thi chí-moi Carla Mann, Julia Löhr, 亨利希·曼, Viktor Mann Edit this on Wikidata

Thomas Mann (1875-ngièn 6-ngie̍t 6-ngit – 1955-ngièn 8-ngie̍t 12-ngit) he Tet-koet lâu Mî-koet ke yit-chak chok-kâ. Kì chhai 1929-ngièn tet-to Nobel Vùn-ho̍k Chióng.